
Theory of operation, Introduction

GTEMCELL offers A Faraday’s principle-based chamber for electromagnetic shielding.

A tent made of special coupled metalized  Cu-Ni tissue offers an easy way to make a screened ambient whenever needs a shielding solution with a lightweight for transportation and fast installation GTEMCELL is there.

The tent structure is made in aluminum frame tubes or in steel rods customized in dimensions and openings.

The open side (door)

It is made with a Velcro electrically conductive and with a ZIP metal with conductive fabric as support to ensure the conductivity of the two sides of the part of the tent. The adequate size of overlapping of the conductive fabric ensures good shielding.

The fabric is covered with a coating flame retardant also able to ensure a good abrasion resistance to the conductive surface. The flexibility is tested according to AFNOR G52-020.

Window: A ready-to-use metal mesh fabric panel offer a view from outside and inside or vice-versa; size Aprx. 300 mm x 300 mm

Inside on the fabric surface

The electroless process offers a strong adhesion of the nickel 100% to the surface of polyester yarn all around. On the macro photo, the deposition is uniform

  • EMP protection line out input 420Vca/60KA

Quality test and shielding performance.

  • Vibration test MIL-STD 202-204 Shock MIL-STD 202 205B –
  •  Salt spray Mil 202 101 B
  • test in accordance MIL-STD 285, IEEE standards, in the frequencies range starting from 30 MHz to 3 GHz

The average shielding performance is around 48 dB attenuation with peaks of 65 dB around 200 MHz and 400 MHz. 


Size: Euro pallet 120x80x80cm, + 300x15x15cm,   Weight: 100Kg. Approx.

Shielding Tent 4,6x4x2,3mt
Shielded tent
Metalized Fabric data sheet